ответе на вопросы Я их уже составил ответы из текста вот текст The last time I (had a test I was ok, I did not panic, If I didn't know the answer, I just took some seconds to breathe and out and focus. I learned that in my. yoga workshops. Now, when I'm sad, I go outside pinside into the garden, where there aretrees and flowers around. There I do a 2-minute headstand. I always feel better afterhis exercise. When I'm tired after school, I stretch my arms and my legs, do a dolphin pose, then sit in the lotus pose, breathe and relax. If I want to think about something, I do a tree pose. I stretch my arms to the sky and enjoy sunshine. ​



Ответ дал: katusasogla

а что тут вообще нужно делать, я если что помогу

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