1 Match the halves to make sentences. 1 If you were good at computer science, 2 If I were an actor, 3 I'd study that course 4 If I had a summer job, 5 I'd change my job a I would enjoy every day. I'd have to get up early in the holidays. if it were shorter. b c d if I didn't enjoy it. e that would be a great choice. Look at the sentences in 1 and decide if these 6 If John was faster, he football better. 7 They'd leave the restaurant immediately if they (not like) the food. 8 If I knew the answer, I. you. 9 lfl. I'd try to find out who it belonged to. 10 I'd buy that coat if I enough money. (play) (find) money in the street 11 If I were you, I teacher to explain the homework again. (have)​ ДАМ 50 БАЛОВ ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА



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