Imagine a story about someone being resourceful. Make notes
about what he/she did.
Where was he/she?
What did he/she forget to take?
What did he/she forget to take?
What did he/she forget to take?
What did he/she use?
What did he/she use?
What did he/she use?


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


Where was he?

A friend of mine went camping with his classmates.

What did he forget to take?

He forgot to take his mosquito repellent.

What did he use?

He put some sage into the camp fire. (He had found the sage on the way to the campsite.)


В задании требуется сделать пометки о ком-то, проявившем смекалку, изобретательность.


Где он был?

Один мой друг пошёл в поход с одноклассниками.

Что он забыл взять?

Забыл взять средство от насекомых.

Что он сделал? / как выкрутился?

Он положил в костер шалфей. (он нашел шалфей по дороге к месту стоянки)

Примерная история:

Once a friend of mine, Nick, went camping with his classmates. They planned to make a camp and spend a night in the forest. Nick was supposed to take a mosquito repellent. Unfortunately, when the group arrived at the place where they wanted to put their tent, my friend realised that he had forgotten to take the repellent spray. But Nick is a resourceful person, and he knows a lot about wild plants. So he went to the forest and found some sage. Later they put the sage into the camp fire and that helped to keep mosquitoes away.


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