2 Write sentences with the prompts.
Use relative pronouns.
This/be/ the family /1/ stay /with/ in France
This is the family who/that I stayed with in France.
2 This/be/ the house/1/stay
3 That/be/Xavier, / the boy/1/do/ the exchange
4 That/be/Emil, / the little brother / bedroom/1/
5 That/be/Serge, / the brother / Xavier / share a
room with
6 These/be/ the pancakes/we/eat / for breakfast /
every day
7 These/be/ the neighbours / swimming pool/we/
use/while/1/be there
8 This/be/the café / we/go/ to play pool


Ответ дал: hillkasg

2 This is the house where I stayed.

3 That is Xavier, the boy who I did the exchange


4 That is Emil, the little brother who I shared bedroom with.

5 That is Serge, the brother Xavier shared a

room with.

6 These are the pancakes we ate for breakfast every day.

7 These are the neighbours swimming pool we used while we were there.

8 This is the café we went to play pool.

ayazhanka09kz: пасибооо
endminecraft953: спс
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