1 They were wearing / were wear dark helmets. 2 He isn't playing / wasn't playing ice hockey last night. 3 My friends wasn't talking / weren't talking about sports. 5 What was he doing / do on the court? Were / Was she watching the games? Yes, she was / were. 6 Mark is climbing / was climbing yesterday. 7 My parents was going / were going to a bike race. 8 Were they listening / listen to the match? No, they weren't/ wasn't.​


Ответ дал: emilytheprince


1.They were wearing dark helmets.

2.He wasn't playing ice hockey last night.

3.My friends weren't talking about sports.

5.What was he doing on the court?

6.Was she watching the games?Yes,she was.

7.Mark was climbing yesterday.

8.Were they listening to the match?No,they weren't.


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