VOCABULARY Match the compound adjectives below with definitions 1-10. Compound adjectives bad-mannered easy-going hard-working light-hearted open-minded quick-witted self-confident single-minded thick-skinned well-behaved 1 Having confidence in yourself and your abilities. 2 Thinking only about the thing that you want to achieve. 3 Not easily upset by negative comments. 4 Relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying. 5 Behaving in a way that is acceptable. 6 Able to think in a fast way. 7 Cheerful and without problems. 8 Rude and not showing respect. 9 Willing to accept other ideas and ways of doing things. 10 Putting a lot of effort into something. en 9 10​


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1 Having confidence in yourself and your abilities. - self-confident (уверенный в себе)

2 Thinking only about the thing that you want to achieve. - single-minded (целеустремлённый)

3 Not easily upset by negative comments. - thick-skinned ("толстокожий", устойчивый к критике)

4 Relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying. - easy-going (покладистый, спокойный)

5 Behaving in a way that is acceptable. - well-behaved (воспитанный, хорошо себя ведущий)

6 Able to think in a fast way. - quick-witted (сообразительный)

7 Cheerful and without problems. - light-hearted (беззаботный, беспечный)

8 Rude and not showing respect. - bad-mannered (плохо воспитанный)

9 Willing to accept other ideas and ways of doing things. - open-minded (открытый, непредубежденный)

10 Putting a lot of effort into something. - hard-working (трудолюбивый)

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