Look at the photo and complete the sentences with the Past Simple forms of be. 0. Nick was 6 years old. He wasn't 8 years old. 1. Julia and Sam 2. Kate 3. The weather 4. Julia's dress 5. Julia, Sam and their children They 6. Huffy Topay 7. The trees 8. There young 5 years old. She sunny. It pink. It happy sad. their first dog. Their first dog any juice. 15 years old short. They tall some food on the picnic rug. There FAMILY P​



Ответ дал: vitalik2K22

1. was

2. 1. was 2. wasn't

3. 1. was 2. wasn't

4. 1. was 2. wasn't

5. 1. were 2. weren't

6. 1. was 2. was/wasn't(полностью предложение не видно, поэтому незнаю)

7. 1. were 2. weren't

8. 1. were 2. weren't(тоже предложение не полностью видно)

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