2. Put the words in the right order to make negative imperatives. Start with capital letter. 1. biscuits /in/bed/ don't / eat! 2. listen to the radio/ don't / after 10 o'clock! 3. in the bath / don't / hot / use / water. 4. play / don't/music/ too/ the / loud! 5. watch /TV/ don't/ until/ midnight!​


Ответ дал: m1qiixx
1.Don’t eat biscuits in bed!
2.Don’t listen to the radio after 10 o’clock!
3.Don’t use hot water in the bath
5.Don’t watch TV until midnight!
4. Don’t play music too the loud
Ответ дал: amirrmustafin

Don’t eat biscuits in bed!

.Don’t listen to the radio after 10 o’clock!

.Don’t use hot water in the bath

.Don’t watch TV until midnight!

. Don’t play music too the loud


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