1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in capitals.
1 It's quite common for a sportsperson to
elbow or shoulder during a game. LOCATE
2 The government want to lower speed limits as part of
a new road
campaign. SAFE
3 It's too early to make an absolutely certain
we're waiting for more test results. DIAGNOSE
4 John will need a few months to make a full
after the car accident. RECOVER
5 When her nose started to
had to sit down. BLOOD


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1 It's quite common for a sportsperson to dislocate their elbow or shoulder during a game. LOCATE

2 The government want to lower speed limits as part of a new road safety campaign. SAFE

3 It's too early to make an absolutely certain diagnosis. We're waiting for more test results. DIAGNOSE

4 John will need a few months to make a full recovery after the car accident. RECOVER

5 When her nose started to bleed, she had to sit down. BLOOD


1. Для спортсменов не редкость вывихнуть локоть или плечо во время игры.

2. Правительство хочет снизить ограничения скорости в рамках новой кампании по безопасности на дорогах.

3. Слишком рано ставить абсолютно определенный диагноз. Мы ждём результаты дополнительных анализов.

4. Джону потребуется несколько месяцев до полного выздоровления после автоаварии.

5. Когда ее нос начал кровоточить, ей пришлось сесть.

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