THE GERUND and THE INFINITIVE 1. Do you mind... (put) these chairs away? 2. I enjoy... (watch) a good action movie. 3. Would you like... (play) tennis with me now? 4. Please, don't forget... (pick up) the children from the kindergarden. 5. Helen refused (eat) at that resturant. 6. I don't know if I can... (solve) this problema lone. 7. My grandmother always remember ... (meet) a ghost in her chidhood house. 8. Anne decided... (sing) when all had stopped chating. 10.His friends agreed... (meet) in the park at 4 o'clock. 9. Joe felt confused when nobody could (help) him​


Ответ дал: veragershkovich79

1. putting

2. watching

3. to play

4. to pick up

5. to eat

6. solve

7. meeting

8. to sing

10.  to meet

9. help

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