2 Complete the sentences with the correct past forms
of the verbs in brackets
1 Nick______________________ (go) to the leisure centre
after school yesterday.
2 We______________________ (study) art with Miss Sykes,
but now we have MrTurner.
3 Where_______It looks great.
4 What_________I__________(you / buy) your jacket?
5 Sorry II_________ (Gary/ say)?(not/hear) him.______ (miss) your call.
6 Tina and Mike.. (listen) to a new album.______________ (not / be) at schooltoday. I think they're on holiday.
7 I ______________________ (not / like) Tom Cruise films,but now I love them.


Ответ дал: marineys
1. Went
2. studied
3. -
4. You are / bought (не точно)
5. -
6. Listened
7. I do not like
(Не уверенна в ответах)

rexmenve: хоч щось)
rexmenve: а я зрозумів в мене просто все пілся 2 запитання змістилось
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