ессе на тему "дом престарелых" на английском используя настоящее/будущее время (60-80 слов, можно больше) (100 баллов дам)​


Ответ дал: ladiksof

Ответ:My grandmother will be living in a nursing home in half a year, because she is old and we cannot look after her all day. I think she doesn’t really want to. I think that she will be better there than lying at home herself.


alinakadraliyeva: большое спасибо!
ladiksof: Можно лудший ответ?
alinakadraliyeva: нужно 2 ответа чтобы я могла дать "лучший ответ"
Ответ дал: akgul100909
Homes for the elderly exist precisely because they are necessary. If a person has lived to old age and can no longer fully serve himself, if he has no relatives left, if he is ill, then he needs to live somewhere and receive qualified care and food. And he also needs communication, a warm, sympathetic word and much more. It is for such people that nursing homes are created. It is quite common to hear that adult children give their elderly parents there, not wanting to take care of them. So this is what I consider meanness and betrayal. Our parents gave birth to us and brought us up so that we would provide them with a happy old age. I would like the old man to live where he wants. Let it be his own choice - a family or a nursing home. This seems to me the best solution to the problem.
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