плюсы и минусы онлайн покупок на английском ​


Ответ дал: ivanivanovborisov040


The Internet is for sure one of the greatest inventions of last century. The point is that the invention and implementation of it to different spheres of our life has completely changed the way we live it. It has transformed the process of communication, study, search of information and even the way of thinking. But are all these changes positive?

First of all, the existence of the Internet doubtlessly had enormous effect on our lives. Furthermore, it brought more opportunities that had been unachievable before. As for the process of communication, it’s obvious that the appearance of the Internet has given us a chance to keep in touch with people from all over the world. We are able to hear and see our faraway relatives and friends as well as make a deal with clients and business partners from different continents. Moreover, we have unlimited access to any kind of information, which makes it easier to study and develop ourselves.


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yulia25t: Это даже не ответ на задание
Ответ дал: yulia25t


On the one hand, there are some good sides of online shopping. First of all, you can save time because you dont need to go to the shop and can just buy stuff with few clicks. Second, there is more choice online and also better offers and different sales.

On the other hand, when people shop online, they cant try clothes on or touch stuff they want to order. So they cant be sure what they buy until they get it.


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