заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях правильной формой настоящего простого(present simple) или настоящего простого(present continuous) продолженного времени глаголов в скобках. Поставьте наречия частоты в правильную позицию
The train _leave always_ on time
What s the matter? why _cry/you_?
Thats strange. The_not to watch_ TV.
He_not to speak_ very good English
Please be quiet! I_do_ my homework
Where_live they_?
Listen! John_play_music!
I_go never_ to the swimming pool


Ответ дал: kristina999988810


The train leave always on time (pr simple)

What s the matter? Why are you crying? (pr Continuous)

Thats strange. The isn't to watch_ TV.

He doesn't to speak very good English

Please be quiet! I am doing my homework

Where are living they? (pr Continuous)

Listen! John is playing music! (pr. Continuous)

I go never to the swimming pool (pr. simple)


Лучший ответ пожалуйста

lalaandrey2009: братишка, ты вообще не так сделал, посмотри мой ответ
Ответ дал: lalaandrey2009


The train always leaves on time.

What s the matter? why are you crying?

Thats strange. They aren`t watching TV.

He doesn`t speak English very good.

Please be quiet! I am doing my homework.

Where do they live?

Listen! John is playing music!

I never go to the swimming pool.

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