Test and write an essay one of choosing theme. For 9- form. For the 1-st quarter. Your name and surname

1. I was surprised that you... the football match on television. a) hadn't watched c) don't watch b) haven't watched d) aren't watching

2. When Columbus landed on San Salvador, he where he was.

a) knew c) doesn't know

b) didn't know d) hadn't known

3. At one time people believed that Columbus... America. a) discovers c) had been discovered

b) discovered d) had discovered

4. The talks in London next week to discuss some problems of terrorist activity.

a) is held c) would be held b) will be held d) hold

5. Didn't you this horror film last night? No, I hate such films

a) saw c) see b) seen d)seeing

6. Who... this ice-cream? - Oh, it's mine. I'm just going to eat it.

a) didn't eat c) doesn't eat b) don't eat d) hasn't eaten

7. The new building looks awful. I agree. It... very nice.

a) didn't look c) hasn't looked b) doesn't look d) won't look

8. "You... spend your free time on playing football", my mother used to say when I was a schoolboy.

a) needn't c) couldn't b) mustn't d) can't

9. You needn't wear your best clothes. You... what you like a) can wear c) might wear b) must wear d) need wear

10. I think... people look after their cars better than young people.

a) elderly c) elder b) older d) oldest

11. What are you going to do after you finish... college, Rachel? I want to travel. 12. There's been a lot of talk about... 'spaceship' seen over our town on Sunday night

a) c) a b) the d) an

a) - c) a b) the d) an

13... is a new one-way traffic system in the city center. It's very confusing. a) this c) it b) that d) there

14. of these magazines would you like? - This one, please.

a) what c) why

b) how much d) which

15. They will come... the three o'clock train.

a) on c) with

b) at d) by

16. This exhibition is... interesting than the previous one.

a) little c) least b) less d) the leas

17. We saw... good film last night. The film was about the love of a girl to her cat and dog.

a) a c) b) the d) an

18. Everybody agrees that... happiness is very important in the life of people.

a) - c) a b) the d) many

Task II. Write an essay on topics (choose one of them) minimum 10 sentences:

a) My dream job.

b) The best trade.

c) London.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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