The zebra and the bird. A zebra is sleeping in her den. A bird flies into the zebra's den, jumps on her head and sits on her nose. The zebra is very surprised. She tries to take the bird in her strong paws. "What are you doing, silly bird?", cries the zebra. "I will bite you". The bird is crying. "Please, don't touch me. Perhaps one day I can help you". The zebra laughs when she hears it. How is a little bird going to help the her? However she lets the bird flu away. Some days later the bird is looking for food in the forest. Suddenly she sees the zebra in a big net. The bird tries to tear the net with its beak. She is making small holes in it. And the zebra jumps out from the net. She is free now. "There", says the bird. "You see how a little bird can help a zebra". Read the sentences and write T for True or F for False sentences. 1. The zebra and the bird aren't friends. 2. The zebra kills the bird. 3. The bird is flying in the den. 4. The zebra helps the bird. 5. The zebra is free.​


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1. The zebra and the bird aren't friends. T

2. The zebra kills the bird. F

3. The bird is flying in the den. T

4. The zebra helps the bird. F

5. The zebra is free. T


1 Зебра и птица не друзья, это верно.

2 Зебра убивает птицу. - ложь. Зебра отпускает птицу.

3. Птица влетает в жилище зебры. - верно

4. Зебра помогает птице. - ложь, это птица помогает зебре.

5 Зебра свободна. - верно

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