5 Look at activity 4. Write the sentences. 1 Jen is the worst at street dancing. 2 3 4 5 (Jen / street dancing) (Joe / Dave / do cartwheels) (Bea / play a musical instrument) (Sandra/ Tim / street dancing) (Tom / play a musical instrument)​


Ответ дал: gfh457



Joe / Dave / do cartwheels= Joe and Dave doing cartwheels
Bea / play a musical instrument=Bea like play on musical instrument
Sandra/ Tim / street dancing=Sandra and Tim like street dancing

Tom / play a musical instrument=Tom likes to play musical instruments

muzaffarbest07: не понял но спасибо
dbekov021: спосиба большое
madinabozorovaxovos8: спасибо большое за информацию
muhammadalizurakulov: это ведь неправильно
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