2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in Exercise 1. 1 My history teacher band. 2 My sister wants to 3 My mother in a rock famous. music to children in a school in Barcelona. Her students love her! a 4 Tamara doesn't want to singer. She wants to play the drums. 5 Does your cousin want to album with her band? 6 My friends have a band and like concerts for their families. 7 My brother loves singing. He wants to a music video. 8 Holly loves traveling and she on tour with her band every summer. SI an​


Ответ дал: baimagambetova45



2are translated


4is visited

5is given

6is made


8are given

9is celebrated


думаю нормально тебе понятно!

KrisTallikOff: Да нее че завидовать то?!
KrisTallikOff: Нах завидовать
baimagambetova45: ну тогда иди нах
KrisTallikOff: нах не идут нах садятся
baimagambetova45: ты пацан?
KrisTallikOff: да
baimagambetova45: отстань тогда
KrisTallikOff: а если не отстану
motom3712: Правда отстань а то плохо будет
KrisTallikOff: Скажи адрес
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