СРОЧНО !!! даю 20 балов !!
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 21.He (to repair) the ceiling for six hours. Maybe he needs some help? 22.She (just, to go) out. 23. They (to play) football for two hours already. 24.How many times (you, to be) to London? 25. Where it (to be)? I (to search) for it all day! 26. The lesson (not to begin/yet), the students are still talking. 27.Anna (to talk) to the marketing director for two hours already. 28.I need a plaster. I (to cut/just) myself. 29.1 (to read) this new novel for the last several days. 30.I am full. I have (already/to have) a meal. 31.Uncle Tim (to decorate) the New Year Tree since morning. 32.I need a sharpener. He (to break) my pencil. 33. You (to clean) the yard for the last 2 hours? 34.1 need a rubber. I (to make) a mistake. 35. You (to see) my documents? I (to look) for them since last Saturday. 36.My two little brothers (to play) the computer game for the last two hours. 37.1 (never/to play) this game. 38. You (to watch) television for too long! You should turn it off. 39....you (ever/be) to Moscow? 40. We (to live) in this house for twelve years already


Ответ дал: ezzamarria

21. has been repairing

22. has (just) gone out

23. have been playing

24. have (you) been

25. has been, have been searching

26. hasn't begun

27. has been talking

28. have (just) cut

29. have been reading

30. have (already) had

31. has been decorating

32. has broken

33. Have (you) been cleaning

34. have made

35. Have (you) seen, have been looking

36. have been playing

37. have (never) played

38. have been watching

39. have (you ever) been

40. have been living

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