First conditional
0 If you visit me, I will give you the book you want. 1. If it (not rain), we (go) for a walk. 2. Mike (not/be) happy if he (lose) the bet. 3. If they (not/arrive) on time, we (not/manage) to get there before noon. 4. You (be) hungry If you (not take) a sandwich with you. 5. If Sarah (set) off before 8 o'clock she (arrive) at 4 p.m.
Second conditional
0 If I won the lottery, I would buy a bigger house.
1. Tom (be) angry if you (take) his laptop without asking. 2.If I (know) how to, I (do) the homework on my own. 3. If you (not/catch) the last bus, you (have/to) take a taxi. 4. I (get) a better job if I (know) English better. 5. If we (forget) our our tickets, we (not/see) the show. 6. It (not/ be) a surprise if she (know) about a party.​.
(Бред не писать)​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


First conditional

1 doesn't rain-will go 2 won't be-loses 3 don't arrive-won't manage 4 will be-don't take 5 sets-will arrive

Second conditional

1  would be-took 2 knew-would do 3 didn't catch- would have to take 4 would get-knew 5 forgot- would not see 6 would be-knew


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