Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect and complete the sentences.   1. I (to peel) the onion. 2. We (to decorate) the room. 3. Her brother (to do) sums very well. 4. The students (to translate) this text from English into Ukrainian. 5. They (to make up) dialogues at the lesson. 6. You already (to ask) questions.

Exercise 2. Write questions using the Present Perfect Continuous 1. She has been trying to pass her driving test since the beginning of the year. 2. They’ve been building the house for 3 years. 3. She‘s been collecting stamps since 1932. 4. I’ve been studying English for 5 years. 5. She’s been working on this exercise for 5 minutes. 6. They’ve been living at their present address for 5 years.​


Ответ дал: emkirill96


1. How long have they been building the house?

2. What has she been collecting since 1932?

3. Who has been studying English for 5 years?

4. How long has she been working on this exercise?

5. Where have they living for 5 years?

Объяснение:там не попорятку сделано надеюсь сам или сама найдёш

6 хз, Ex1 тож хз

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