You have to make 6 questions in Present Continuous and Present Simple and answer the questions. You can use the words below.
Example: 0. What places are you going to travel? I am going to visit the Eiffel Tower.
1. Where /you/ go/ to travel?
2. Where/ you/go?
3. How/you/go/there?
4. When/you/arrive there?
5. Where/you/stay?
6. How/ long/ you/stay/ there?
7. How /much /money/ think/ you/ need to/ pay/ the/journey?
8. How people /choose/ their destination?
9. What kind of transport/you/ prefer on holidays? Why?
10. You/prefer/travel/alone/or in/ tour groups? Why?​


Ответ дал: Cookiecake


  • How much money do you think you need to pay for the journey?

I think half of my salary.

  • How are you going to go there?

I am planning to get there on foot

  • Where are you planning to stay?

I am planning to stay in a hotel.

  • When are you going to arrive there?

I am going to arrive on Monday evening.

  • How do people choose their destination?

I think pretty pictures in internet interest them.

  • What kind of travel do you prefer?

I prefer active holiday and travelling alone.

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