Пожалуйста помогите срочно надо!!!
Choose the correct answers

Circle the correct answer: a, b or c.

1 Gerry is nice. He

in my class since Christmas. a has been bis c was

2 How long this bike? a you had b have you c have you had

3 I'm going to see my cousin next week. We for two years.

a don't meet b haven't met c didn't meet

4 My parents for 15 years.

a have been married b have married c are married

5 David with us since the summer.

a has been bis c was

6 I'm sorry I since we last spoke. I've been so busy!

a didn't phone b haven't phoned c don't phone 7 You must be hungry. You since last night.

a haven't eaten b didn't eat c hasn't eaten

8 My sister has hated tomato soup.............she was a child.

a for b when c since

9 Carol and I penfriends for three years.

a have been bare c been


Ответ дал: annamikhaailovaa


1. has been

2. have you had

3. haven't met

4. have been married

5. has been

6. haven't phoned

7. haven't eaten

8. since

9. have been

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