b) Read the text and answer the questions.
1 The Spanish and English
A disagree about the kind of man Drake was.
B agree Drake was part hero, part villain.
C think Drake was the greatest sailor in history.
D admire Drake's skill as a pirate.

2 From the text, we know that
A sailing was a popular job in 1500s England.
Drake's family was not wealthy.
C Drake was the youngest child in his family.
D there were few talented sailors in the 1500s.

3 Queen Elizabeth I sent Drake on a voyage because
A England was in debt and she needed money.
B she needed a reason to make Drake a knight.
C England's colonies were under Spanish attack.
D she didn't want Spain to control the New World.

4 In 1588,
A England had colonies all over the New World.
B Elizabeth I made Drake a knight.
C England's navy was defeated.
D Spain attacked England.

After his victory over the Spanish Armada, Drake
A became ill. C moved to the Caribbean.
B retired. D never enjoyed a greater success.

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Ответ дал: Cookiecake


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C

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