3 Complete the sentences with and and also. 1 I think rap is great. I like hip-hop. 2 My sister likes listening to pop music. She plays the saxophone. 3 He plays in a band 4 Shakira is a good singer a great dancer. 5 Her music is exciting. She a lot of concerts. ***essitats ********** **** ************** 6 My favorite singer is Ed Sheeran. like Bruno Mars. he sings. she's gives. пожалуста 70баллооооооооооооооооооов​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. I think rap is great. I also like hip hop.

2. ... . She also plays the saxophone.

3. He plays in a band and he sings.

4. Shakira is a good singer and a great dancer.

5. Her music is exciting and she gives a lot of concerts.

6. My favourite singer is Ed Sheeran. I also like Bruno Mars.


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