1. Pam (plays, play) the piano in the school band. 2. In our school, we (has, have) a large group of football fans. 3. Do you know, that Ella's grandfather (is, are) a professional violin player. 4. He (plays, play) with the City Symphony Orchestra. 5. They (is giving, are giving) a concert tonight. 6. With these adults, we students (is forming, are forming) a local Green Club. 7. I (is putting, am putting) up posters in the school lobby of the upcoming events. 8. So far, I (has signed, have signed) up twelve students and six adults to join the project. 9. (Does, Do) anyone know what’s going on? 10.We (needs, need) one to round out the brass section.


Ответ дал: imuauzb


  1. plays
  2. have
  3. is
  4. plays
  5. are giving
  6. are forming
  7. am putting
  8. have signed
  9. does
  10. need


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