Choose the correct item.
1. Helen came up _ the idea of organising a Christmas bazaar.
A. to
B. for
C. with
2. Are there any _ animals on the streets of your city?
A. stray
B. insects
C. grown
3. How many _ does your swimming club have?
A. elections
B. members
C. weddings
4. Tom was _ with a prize for his success in the Short Story Competition.
A. awarded
B. proved
C. helped
5. My sister got her degree in Medicine. We’re all _ of her.
A. stray
B. proud
C. brave
6. Did you watch the football _ on TV? It was a great match!
A. final
B. winners
C. members
7. Word soon got _ that Coffee Time Donuts are the best!
A. up
B. across
C. around
8. Did you take _ in the clean−up day last week?
A. part
B. place
C. people
9. Do you have to _ classes at university?
A. go
B. watch
C. attend
10. Who’s the _ of your city?
A. demonstration
B. mayor
C. ceremony


Ответ дал: Аноним


1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – B, 6 – A, 7 – C, 8 – A, 9 – C, 10 – B.

1. Helen came up with the idea of organising a Christmas bazaar.

2. Are there any stray animals on the streets of your city?

3. How many members does your swimming club have?

4. Tom was awarded with a prize for his success in the Short Story Competition.

5. My sister got her degree in Medicine. We’re all proud of her.

6. Did you watch the football final on TV? It was a great match!

7. Word soon got around that Coffee Time Donuts are the best!

8. Did you take part in the clean−up day last week?

9. Do you have to attend classes at university?

10. Who’s the mayor of your city?

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