Условные предложения помогите пожалуйста очень прошу!!!!



Ответ дал: nunny


22. If he (does not apologize), we (shall not be) friends again.

23. If I (had known) it was John, I (would have spoken) to him.

24. If he (had not forgotten) to put his watch on before leaving home, he (would not have been) late for work.

25. If I (can't fall) asleep, I (count) sheep or (read) a book.

26. You (would not have) such a bad cough now if you (had not been standing) in the rain so long.

27. If you (had not hurt) your leg when you were playing football you (would be) able to participate in the coming race.

28. If I (had known) you were back from your holiday, I (would have phonen) you.

29. Would you (tell) anyone if you (had won) a large amount of money on the lottery?

30. If I (could have) your attention for a moment, I (would be) very grateful.

31. If you (could live) anywhere in the world, where would you (choose)?

32. If Rob (had known) how hard the training was, he (would not have entered) for the race.

33. If we (had left) the house earlier, we (would not have) to stand in a queue now.

34. Jane (woul not have finished) music school, if her teacher (had not encouraged) her.

35. It (would be) easier for me to wash your muddy trousers, if you (had left) them to soak in water first. Why didn't you do that?

36. If Sam (had been) aware of the company's financial problems, he (would not have agreed) to take the job with them.

37. If you (smoke), you (risk) damaging your health.

38. If he (were) more tolerant, it (would be) easier to get along with him.


Mixed conditionals (условие и следствие в разном времени):

If I spoke (in the present) Italian, they would have offered (in the past) me the job. Если бы я говорил по-итальянски, они предложили бы мне эту работу.

I would be (in the present) in Italy now if I had accepted (in the past) the job. Сейчас я был бы в Италии, если бы поступил на эту работу.

If I hadn’t already arranged  (in the past) to go to Italy, I would go (in the future) with you tomorrow. Если бы я уже не организовал поездку в Италию, я бы поехал завтра с тобой.


katrineeeeeeeee721: Добрый день! Скажите пожалуйста, Вы могли бы помочь перевести несколько предложений на английский? Пожалуйста....
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