Change the sentences below into questions. Then complete the answers. 0. You studied Spanish two years ago. Did you study Spanish two years ago? No, I didn't. the porty yesurday eveni ? No. She didn't 1. She enjoyed the party yesterday evening. she They watched a cartoon yesterday. o they wouched a ? Yes. Farhad played tennis last week. a helped my classmate yesterday. e called Mike five minutes ago. ey liked the party food. La Gerwen yesterday temps No. sem ? Yes, ? No, ? Yes, dian week пж напишите 3 4 5



Ответ дал: abykanabek


0) Did you study Spanish two years ago?

No, I didn't.

1) Did she enjoy the party yesterday evening?

No, she didn't.

2) Did they watch a cartoon yesterday?

Yes, they did.

3) Did Carhad play tennis last week?

No, he didn't.

4) Did I help my classmate yesterday?

Yes, I did.

5) Did I call Mike five minutes ago?

No, I didn't.

6) Did they like the party food?

Yes, they did.

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