anybody, anything, appear, architect, bank, build, builder, building, cathedral, century, change, column, defend, enemy, everybody, everything, fairly, fast, few, found, little, miss, monument, move, much, nobody, nothing, other, palace, parade, prince, rebuild, road, side, somebody, something, statue, still, tsar (tzar), white-walled, wooden by and by, turn into bring stand v Winter Palace brought, build stood Dvortsovaya Square Nevsky Prospect Palace Bridge Kazan Cathedral V the Baltic Sea Vthe Neva River Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre V the Summer Garden the Anichkov Bridge the Russian Museum the Hermitage built, rebuild rebuilt, Red Square St Basil's Cathedral Spasskaya Tower the Kremlin the Pushkin Museum the Maly Theatre the Moscow Metro the Kremlin Clock Obraztsov Puppet Theatre Составьте 10 предложений используя эту слова. Прошу помогите по английскому 2 выходит сказали если это сдам 3 поставят ​


Ответ дал: kirabatarcyk


Is there anybody here?

I would not truck this brilliant day to anything else.

The fire consumed the building

Thank you very much!

A flame is kept constantly burning at the monument.

He is the most famous criminal of our century.

Today is not a fast day.

We felt the miss of you.

This statue was built where we used to rendezvous.

He is trying to rebuild his life.

Пожалуйста 5 звёзд

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