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Writing(6 marks)
Task 4 Write an account of the nineties. Use the ideas below to help you. Write around 120-150 words.
Think and plan
1. What positive events happened in 1990?
2. What were the fashions like?
3. What music and films were popular?
4. What issues did people become more aware of?
5. What new inventions changed the world?
Use key phrases
The … was a decade which…
There were good/bad/difficult times.
One of the most memorable
In the world of music /films/fashion,…
It was the era of…
By the end of the decade,…
People were more aware of issues such as…
Paragraph 1:Introduction
Why do people remember the nineties? What were the memorable events?
Paragraph 2: Trends and crazes
What music, films and fashions were popular? Do you like or dislike anything from the nineties?
Paragraph 3: How had the world changed by the end of the decade?.


Ответ дал: olenagrisecko18


If a lawyer works in ministries, departments or administrations, he is engaged in drafting laws, resolutions, acts and other regulatory documents. The most important skill is an excellent memory. Without knowledge of the laws and by-laws of Ukraine, a lawyer has nowhere to go. And if it has an international profile, then the legislation of the country with which the company works.A lawyer will need: legal education, logical abilities, diligence, attention to details, not being afraid of the public, honesty and certainly not bribery. Lawyers, in my opinion, are those people who should defend honesty, decency, and humanity in life. Of course, this is a prestigious profession, but. I always changed professions, in terms of choice, but I stopped at this one. In some strange way, this profession attracts me. Well, and also an equally big plus, the salary.

I love honest people and support equality all my life, this profession will also help me achieve my goals and dreams. Such as: travel, own house, car, climbing the career ladder.


Ответ дал: callmespecial

The nineties were a decade which certainly has stayed forever in the memory of those who were lucky enough to experience it. One of its most memorable events is the creation of the World Wide Web in 1990. It opened the decade with an invention that changed our lifestyles forever.

In the world of films, franchises like Star Wars had their best films made in the nineties, thanks to the developed CGI and other technologies. Although, the main CGI miracle would be the Matrix (1999) that I really enjoy. Movies like Clueless reflect the vibrant fashion of the nineties – lots of colors and weird hats.

It was an era of environmentalism – a new philosophy that appeared as people became more aware of issues such as global warming. By the end of the decade, it led humanity to thoughtfulness and love for the planet, which still goes on today.

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