Choose the right answer.
1) Mother was upset because Tom ___.
A hasn’t come B hadn’t come C won’t come
2) Henry isn’t ___ his elder brother Ted.
A so strong as B strong as C stronger
3) John ___ the cleaning by 7 pm yesterday.
A had done B did C was doing
4) John’s face ___ with scratches.
A has covered B were covered C was covered
5) This program ___ again tomorrow.
A will be broadcast B will broadcast C will be broadcasted
6) Tim gave all his money to me because he ___ me.
A would trust B trusted C trusts
7) Have you seen Mary’s boyfriend ___?
A yet B still C just
8) It was ___ place I have ever seen.
A more beautiful B the most beautiful C the beautifuliest
9) The police caught Jack when he ___ a shop.
A robbed B had robbed C was robbing
10) Yesterday we ___ at school till 6 pm.
A had to stay B must stay D need to stay



Ответ дал: Help3me3pls

1. B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.

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