Card 4. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our class'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Are good grades important to student? 3) 2) Which subject do you enjoy studying? Why? What are the qualities of a good student? 4) How much free time do you have at school? 5) Do you go to any clubs at your school? What are they? скажите перевод всех вопросов пожалуйста!! ​


Ответ дал: RipSai

As for me, good grades are significant. In the future, a decent amount of education can get you a decent job. I enjoy studying IT as I will be an IT manager when I grow up. A good student has to be intelligent, clever, discerning, and wise. Usually, I don't have so much free time at my school I only get a small amount of time to rest and get ready for the next subject in the school break. My school got singing and dancing clubs. I don't go to any of them as I was just not born for that stuff.

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