Complete the sentences with compound nouns formed from one word in box «a» and one word in box «b».

baby, business, care, class, home, light, sky, snow, space, speed.

boats, house, mate, scrapers, ship, sitter, mobiles, people, taker, work.

1. The fishermen in their boats could see the old....................... the rocks.

2. The keeps the building very clean.

3. It was winter, so they went to town on their.

4. The of New York are some of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

5. They want to go out tonight, but they can't find a ..................for. the children.

6. The................... left the Earth's atmosphere and travelled towards the Moon.​


Ответ дал: spichkaminnaya
1. lightship
2. caretaker
3. snowmobiles
4. skyscrapers
5. babysitter
6. spaceship
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