Срочно нужна ответ, What kind of school do you go to?
What does your school building look like?
Are you good at school subjects?
How often do you take part in school parties
and festivals?
Do you always keep to school rules?
Are your teachers too strict?​


Ответ дал: zlatavarikasa
My name is Natasha. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the fifth grade. I study at gymnasium school number 1 in St. Petersburg. We are obliged to wear school uniforms to school this is the dress code of our school for the most difficult subjects for me I consider physics and chemistry but the teachers are trying to help me also I'm afraid of exams I'm a little worried because my whole life depends on them but I love my school because there is my friends with whom I like to communicate and have fun


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Новые вопросы в Английский язык
ЧАСТЬ 1. Выберите слово, которое лучше всего подходит к каждому пункту, и напишите его в отведенном месте. 1. Larry __________ about Farrah's new job.… She told him all about it. a. inquired b. composed c. gathered d. dismissed 2. You need to __________ more examples in your essay. a. include b. divide c. dismiss d. blow 3. Liz took a __________ on Japanese history with Professor Mizenko. a. field b. duty c. course d. threat 4. Batteries needs to be in the __________ position for a flashlight to work. a. practical b. ancient c. proper d. probable 5. Gloria __________ with others to be the best. She doesn't losing. a. inquires b. competes c. divides d. dismisses 6. Many __________ cities like Rome and Cairo still exist today a. practical b. ancient c. proper d. probable 7. The criminal's __________ to kill again kept him in jail even longer. a. field b. duty c. blame d. threat 8. Fifty students __________ the school band. a. inquare b. complete c. include d. compose 9. After some free time on their own, the tourists __________ to continue the group tour by bus. a. divided b. composed c. gathered d. competed ЧАСТЬ 2. Прочтите каждое утверждение и напишите t для истинного или F для ложного в отведенном месте. 1. People (train) when they need new or better skills. 2. A strong autumn wind will (blow) leaves of the trees. 3. Many people feel (pity) for a successful businessman. 4. (Opinions) are not the same as facts. 5. It's natural to be (sympathetic) when a friend loses a parent or grandparent. 6. It is a parent's (duty) to teach a child how to safely cross the street. 7. If I blame you for a mistake I forgive you. 8. If my roommate and I (divide) the housework, we share it. 9. Customer want to know the (exact) price before they buy something. ЧАСТЬ С. Каждая ситуация показывает значение ключевых слов. Напишите подходящее ключевое слово рядом с ситуацией. Используйте подсказки в скобках. |_ dismiss, field, motion, practical, probable, produce, purpose, ruin, treat _| 1. This book gives useful information (relating to real situations) that any businessman could face. 2. It's (likely) that the Olympic games will continue far into the future. 3. In one of Claude Monet's paintings, red flowers grow beautifully in a (land of green). _____ 4. why do you (act) so terribly (toward) Cindy? She's always been nice to you. 5. (The way) that she (moved) during the storm made me feel sick to my stomach. 6. the teacher explained that the (reason) for giving more homework was to help us prepare for next week's test. 7. The terrible storm (completely destroyed) the garden. 8. I (refused to consider) their possibility that our team could lose. We planned to win. 9. (Growing) bananas and making sugar has helped the Jamaican economy. ​
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