1.Заполни пропуски в предложениях, выбери правильную форму глагола в скобках.

Jack and His Family

Jack ___ 1 (have / has) a family but it ____ 2(am / is / are) not very big. He ___ 3 (have / has) a mother, a father and a little sister. His mother ____ 4 (am / is / are)a teacher. She ____ 5(teach / teaches) English at school in the morning. In the evening she ___ 6 (read / reads) books and ___ 7 (help / helps) Jack with his English. His father ____ 8( am / is / are) a cook. He can ____ 9(cook / cooks) very well. In the afternoon Jack and his father ____ 10 (like / likes) t swim and ride bikes in the park.


Ответ дал: nadya81581
1 has
2 is
3 has
4 is
5 teaches
6 reads
7 helps
8 is
9 cook
10 like
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