Complete with the Present Simple or the Present
Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. I can't hear you. Why ________ you
_ _______ (whisper)?
2. My cousins ________ (love) being
active. That's why they _______ _
(organise) an adventure holiday for this summer.
3. Cathy (not get along) with
Bill. They _______ (argue) all the time.
4. What time the library
_____ (close)? I _______ _
(need) a book to finish my project.


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1. I can't hear you. Why are you whispering? (почему ты шепчешь? - вопрос про действие, происходящее прямо сейчас - present continuous)

2. My cousins love being active. (глаголы состояния не употребляются во временах группы continuous) That's why they are organising an adventure holiday for this summer. (present continuous для запланированного действия в будущем)

3. Cathy doesn't get along with Bill. They argue all the time. (характеристика поведения, постоянный признак)

4. What time does the library close? (вопрос про обычно принятый порядок, рутинное действие) I need a book to finish my project. (глагол состояния, в continuous не используется)

Ответ дал: flybirdster


1. I can't hear you. Why are you whispering?

2. My cousins love being active. That's why they are organising an adventure holiday for this summer.

3. Cathy is not getting along with Bill. They argue all the time.

4. What time the library are closing? I need a book to finish my project.

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