Put the verb into the right sentence ​



Ответ дал: munisa0
We talk to our parents
We don’t talk to our parents
Do we talk to our parents?
We have talked to our parents
We haven’t talked to our parents
Have we talked to our parents?
We talked to our parents
We didn’t talk to our parents
Did we talk to our parents?
We will talk to our parents
We will not talk to our parents
Will we talk to out parents?
We are going to talk to our parents
Are we going to talk to our parents?
We are taking to our parents
We are not talking to our parents
Are we talking to our parents?
We were talking to our parents
We were not talking to our parents
Were we talking to our parents?

kolyada37: спасибо огромнейшее
munisa0: незачто❤️
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