1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs from the list.
leave deliver watch hear travel be try
1 ___ you____ anything on TV last night?
2 _____ you _____ the latest football results?
3 I____a lot in Europe but not in other continents.
4They____ the post late every day last week.
5 Our neighbour ____ his car at the end of our drive and I can't get my car out.
6 We ______ the new Indian restaurant a couple of times and it's really good.
7 How long_____you_____ a surgeon?
Будь ласка зробіть, дуже потрібно!!!!!!!!!!!​


Ответ дал: fnaf12347

1.Did you watched Past Simple.

2.Have you seen. Present Simple.

3. I seen. Present Simple.

4. They published the post. Past Simple.

5. has Broked. Present Simple.

6. We been . Present Simple.

7. How long did you worked. Past Simple.

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