Составьте собственный диалог объемом до 12 реплик, в котором дайте совет по покупке нового компьютера.


Ответ дал: Dara136

-Hello Can i help you?

- Hello, yes. Could you help me choose a computer?

-Of course, First, what do you need a computer for?

-I want to mainly use it for work -What files do you work with?

-Most often I work with video files

-Then I can advise you this model of computer. It has a very powerful processor and is suitable for both work and small games.

-How much does it cost? -640$ -Oh, it's too expensive for me, is there anything cheaper?

-I can offer a model for $320, but this is a budget computer and it is not very high .

If you do not need a computer urgently, I advise you to save money for a better computer.

-Thank you, I'll look at the models again and save up

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