Exercise 1. Fill in the article where it is necessary. 1. This is ___ tree. ___ tree is green. 2. I have ___ bicycle. ___ bicycle is black. My ___ friend has no ___ bicycle. 3. He hasn’t got ___ car. But he’s got ___ computer. ___computer is new. 4. My friends have got ___ cat and ___dog. ___dog never ___ bites ___ cat. 5. We wrote ___ dictation yesterday. ___ dictation was long. 6. Last year I gave my mother ___ bracelet for her birthday. She liked ___ bracelet. 7. She has ___ doll. ___ doll is big. 8. I got ___ letter from my friend yesterday. ___ letter was interesting. 9. This is ___ pen. ___ pen is red. 10.This morning I bought ___newspaper and ___ magazine. ___ newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put ___ magazine. 11. This is ___ soup. ____ soup is tasty. 12. She gave me ____ coffee and ___ cake. ___ coffee was hot. ___ cake was tasty. 13. I see ____ book in your ____ hand. Is ___ book interesting? 14. He never eats ___ meat, he always eats ___ vegetables, ____ cereals, ___ seeds, ___ fruit and ___ nuts. He is ____ vegetarian. 15. This is my ___ table. On ___ table I have ___ book, two pencils, ___ pen and ___ paper. 16. This is ___ bag. ____ bag is brown. It is my sister`s ___ bag. That is my ____ bag. It is ___ yellow. 17. My ___ friend has got ___ hamster. ____ hamster lives in ____ big cage. 18. I see ____ man. ___ man is wearing ___ hat. ​


Ответ дал: jaskab195
  1. a, the
  2. a, the,-
  3. a, a , the
  4. a, a, the, the
  5. a, the
  6. a, the
  7. a, the
  8. a, the
  9. a, the
  10. a, a, the, the
  11. -, the
  12. -, a, the, the
  13. a, the
  14. -, -, -, -, -, -, -
  15. -, the, a, a, a
  16. a, the, -, -, -
  17. -, a, the, a
  18. a, the, a

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