Match the sentence halves and complete the sentences. a. gives a result. I was confused, ✰✰✰ I asked my parents for help. 0. And b b. links two related ideas. 1. But Hike apples and bananas. 2. So 3. Because c. gives a reason. I went to the park *** I wanted to see my friends. d. links a positive and a negative idea. I like swimming, ✰✰✰I don't like playing football. Complete the sentences with and, but, so or because. In some sentences, you need to add commas. 0. I was hungry, so I had an early dinner. 1. Emily went shopping ✰✰✰ there was no food at home. 2. I was late ★★★ I went to school by taxi.

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Ответ дал: rasadaaliyeva060

Ответ:1 Because

2 So

3 And

4 So

5 Because

6 So

7 And

8 Because

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rasadaaliyeva060: А это правельный ответ?
rasadaaliyeva060: Да
rasadaaliyeva060: Даа
rasadaaliyeva060: Да
xelilzulfuqarli: Спасибооооо
rasadaaliyeva060: Не за что
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