Match sentences 1 and 2 with A and B in each pair.
1 Rick has had a nice time.
2 Carlo needs a shower.

A He's been playing in the garden.
B He's played in the garden all day.

1 I've just read that detective story.
2 I've been reading that detective story.

A So I know who the murderer is.
B I don't know who the murderer is yet.

1 We can start making dinner now.
2 Sorry my clothes are dirty.

A I've been cleaning the kitchen.
B I've cleaned the kitchen.

1 Jane's fixed the computer.
2 Jane's been fixing the computer.

A You can use it now.
B It's taken her most of the day.

1 Your towels are ready.
2 Your towels are still damp.

A I've been washing them.
B I've washed them.

1 The suitcases are empty.
2 The suitcases are half empty.

A I've been unpacking.
B I've unpacked.​


Ответ дал: dilokid
0) 1-B, 2-A
1) 1 - A, 2 - B
2) 1 - B 2 - A
3) 1 - A, 2 - B
4) 1 - B, 2 - A
5) 1 - B, 2 - A
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