Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

1 What .................................... (be) Charles Dickens’ job?
2 Who ..................................... (invent) the telephone?
3 Who ..................................... (write) Macbeth?
4 What .................................... (Marie Curie/discover)?
5 How many times ..................
............................................. (the Red Cross/receive) the Nobel Peace Prize?
6 Who was the first man who .............................................
(walk) on the moon?
7 How many symphonies ........ .............................................
8 Where ..................................
(Napoleon/lose) his last battle?


Ответ дал: damchess09



1) What was Charles Dickens' job?

2) Who invented the telephone?

3) Who wrote Macbeth?

4) What Marie Curie discovered?

5) How many times did the Red Cross reseive the Nobel Peace Prize?

6) Who was the first man who walked on the moon?

7)  How many symphonies did Bethoven write?

8) Where did Napoleon lose his last battle?

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