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Use the verbs in the brackets in the correct form. Police all over Florida are trying (find and arrest) two men who escaped from Statessville Prison yesterday. The prisoners managed (escape) from a special bus taking them back to the prison after a visit to a local museum. They wanted (kill) the driver because he refused (help) them. The failed (kill) him but during the fight he was hit on the head. "The buses used for such visits do not have the radios," said the driver. "So it was not possible (call) for help. "He suggests (put) the radios in such buses (make) them safer. The police asked people living in the area if they had noticed anything unusual. So far only two women have been able (give) information.


Ответ дал: goldfish71p2x3jw


to find,   to escape, to kill, to help, to kill, to call, putting, making, to give


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