Revise the model verb should/shouldn't and choose the correct answers.

1 You should / shouldn't eat vegetables because they are healthy

2 It's early The shops should / might not be open yet

3 That's a great poster You should / shouldn't hang it on the wall

4 Michael should / shouldn't eat so much ice cream. It isn't healthy

5 I am very busy today. I may not / should have time to see you

6 My room is a mess. I should / shouldn't clean it 7 It is very cold. It may not / might snow tonight.

8 You might not / shouldn't listen to loud music. It can damage your hearing.

9 I can't meet you now, but I may / shouldn't have some time after lunch

10 Children should/shouldn't sleep at least eight hours a night. 11 That dress looks small. It shouldn't / might not fit you

12 This cake is delicious. You shouldn't / should try it!


Ответ дал: bebronator28

Ответ: ниже

Объяснение: 1. should. 2. might. 3. should. 4. shouldn't. 5. not. 6. should. 7. might. 8. not. 9. may. 10. should. 11. might not. 12. should.


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