2 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs
in brackets.
My name's Harry. I_live_ (live) in London. My
weekends are great! I
school and I
o'clock. I
(not go) to
(get up) late
at about ten
(watch) TV with my sister in the
(have) lunch
morning. At two o'clock, we
in a restaurant with my mum and dad. My
(do) the shopping, but my sister
and I
(not go) with them. We
(meet) our friends at the café in the centre. What
about you? Tell me about your weekend.


Ответ дал: sliza9159

Ответ:My name is Harry. I live in London. My

weekends are great! I don't go to

school, and I slept about ten hours.

I watch TV with my sister in the morning. At two o'clock we

we have lunch at a restaurant with mom and dad. My


go shopping but my sister

and I

we don't go with them. We

meet our friends in the center. Tell me about your weekend.


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