Complete the sentences with the Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 0. I became (become) friends with Shams 2 years ago. 1. Sibel ★★★ (grow) up in Azerbaijan. 2. The famous writer *** (write) 2 novels last year. 3.1 ★★★ (do) my homework yesterday evening. 4. Nick ★★★ (go) shopping and ★★★ (buy) some food yesterday. 5. Last week I ★★★ (make) a presentation about my country. 6. Sally ★★★ (take) the phone and ★★★ (speak) to her friend. помогите пожалуйста срочно ​


Ответ дал: sfkx


1. grew

2. wrote

3. did

4. went

5. bought

6. made

7. took

8. spoke

Аноним: спасибо
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