c) Make up sentences in present perfect.
1. (how/we/ finish already?)
2. (he/study Latin)
3. (I/know him for three months)
4. (where/you / study Arabic?)
5. (what countries/they/ visit in Europe?)
6. (he/hurt his leg)
7. (she/leave her phone in a taxi)
8. (we/not/lose our tickets)
9. (she/call her mother?)
10. (he/ take a taxi?)
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Ответ дал: 7a20181226

Ответ:How have we finished already

he has stated Latin

I have known him for three months.

Where have you stated Arabic.

What countries have they visited in Europe?

He has hurt his leg

She has left her phone in a taxi.

We haven't lost our tickets.

Has she colled her mother?

Has he taken a taxi?

Sabin0chka: Спасибо
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