Невеличкий твір про найкраще кафе моєму місті з англійської мови



Ответ дал: krisa2284


I enjoy eating out. We often go to a restaurant with my parents. It usually happens at weekend or Friday evenings, when everybody is free from work and studies. My mum likes Italian food: pasta with different sauces, pizza, lasagne and other national dishes. My father prefers eastern cuisine. His favourite dish is grilled meat with vegetables. As for me, I’m a fan of sushi and fast food. As you see our tastes differ. That’s why we choose to go to various restaurants.For example, last week, we went to the nearest sushi-bar. We had a great time there. First of all, the atmosphere in the restaurant was nice. There were black square tables and lots of Japanese national ornaments. We chose the table next to the window.

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